Big Soul Stories

Healing Tree

Sarah's Story: Becoming a Witch

Sarah Kamer

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of being a witch. I was never afraid of witches and the term witch was never scary or off putting to me,...

Sarah's Story: Becoming a Witch

Sarah Kamer

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of being a witch. I was never afraid of witches and the term witch was never scary or off putting to me,...

Detox Bath by Big Soul Healing

Big Soul's Rosemary Detox Bath

Sarah Kamer

This detox bath really packs a punch! 🌿🛁 If you are struggling with skin conditions, acne, pain and inflammation; or if you are looking to cleanse your system of toxins,...

Big Soul's Rosemary Detox Bath

Sarah Kamer

This detox bath really packs a punch! 🌿🛁 If you are struggling with skin conditions, acne, pain and inflammation; or if you are looking to cleanse your system of toxins,...