Healing Tree

Sarah's Story: Becoming a Witch

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of being a witch. I was never afraid of witches and the term witch was never scary or off putting to me, especially after seeing the Wizard of Oz and learning about Glinda, the GOOD Witch. Her existence confirmed what my heart always knew, you can be a witch without being bad or evil. Knowing this helped my dream feel so much more attainable. All I wanted was to help people to heal using magic and to incorporate things found in nature to aid in my witchy work.

When I was 7, my best friend and I would even go to the grocery store with her mom or mine, wearing witchy hats and outfits. We’d wave our hands over the foods ‘casting spells’ of health and good fortune for anyone who’d eat them.

In my early teens, I didn’t feel much connection to my super common name and asked my friends to refer to me as ‘Sage’. This felt far more magical. I even tried inviting these friends to be witches with me so we could practice doing magical things together.

Sadly this didn’t go over very well. They ended up speaking poorly of me behind my back and by the end of the year, they were making fun of me right to my face.

In high school I turned to drugs and a party lifestyle. I decided to push my desire for a magical life aside as a way to ‘keep myself safe’ and fit in. 

I became popular in the rave community and was always surrounded by tons of people.

On the outside, life seemed peachy keen, but on the inside, I was lonelier than ever.

In 2004, a close friend saw my strong desire to heal and help others so he introduced me to his mother, a Reiki Master. It was like this woman could see there was magic hidden within me, looking for a way out. She took me under her wing and began to nurture my gifts and big ideas about miraculous healing.

She taught me about various spiritual practices and how to safely work with the energy that’s all around us, but I was still deeply immersed in the parties and drugs and continued hiding my gifts from almost everyone but her. I was afraid to fully accept the magical life that was calling to me. 

More time passed and so did a dear friend. When his spirit started speaking to me from the other side I could no longer deny my witchy gifts.

I realized it was time to face the magic within…

With him physically gone but now acting as my guide, I needed to adapt to these massive changes. His voice was so loud and clear that I had no choice but to accept this new way of communicating and the gift of mediumship he’d suddenly bestowed upon me.

Spirit Guide Kevin

 My mind was blown at how well I could hear him! His consistent presence forced me to embrace what I had ignored for so long and he quickly became my greatest teacher. With his help I began a deep a healing process and learned how to heal myself, body, mind and soul.

His lessons started when he shared the importance of living life with full integrity. He taught me that the more honest you are with yourself, and others, the better your life will become. He said that through honesty alone humans can create heaven on earth.

Deeply intrigued I started to get real with myself. I began the process of living a more honest life. I let myself notice all the times I was saying yes when I really wanted to say no and all the times I’d say no when it was actually a yes.

All the times I’d shut my mouth to keep the peace instead of standing in my truth.

All the masks I’d worn just to fit in.

I truly didn’t realize how out of integrity my life actually was until he pointed this out to me. It was a hard pill to swallow and it took me quite a while to realign. To be frank, I still work on this everyday. You can always be MORE honest. 

He also taught me about the importance of true forgiveness, which for me, was a crucial step towards establishing my magical life. I was holding so much hurt, hate and anger. I saw myself as a victim of my circumstances and I was constantly looking for someone or something else to blame. When I began forgiving everything, including myself, this created much needed space in my energetic field and body. I was able to experience a sense of freedom for the first time in my life. 

I wasn’t fully aware at the time, but accepting these gifts meant I also had to dismantle the walls I’d built around myself that were keeping my magic hidden.

Becoming a witch and embracing a magical life meant practicing acceptance, living with integrity, offering forgiveness and gratitude and learning how to love and honour my authentic self.

Who knew this lifestyle would have so little to do with casting spells! 

As I began to tear down the walls and unravel the layers that had kept me from embracing a magical life, the shadows began to emerge. Every time I removed another mask, I discovered a deeper part of myself that I had shamed or shoved aside.

I had to learn to witness my shadows and exiled parts with compassion and curiosity; it wasn’t always easy. There was just so much hurt and darkness inside, waiting to be seen. With each step inward, my connection to self grew stronger.

I found comfort in spending time with Spirit and engaging in the types of healing rituals I’d longed to practice in my youth.

The more I embraced this path, the more my gifts blossomed. I learned to trust my intuition, and it eventually guided me to the discovery of my witchy, ancestral roots.

This magic I’d kept hidden was literally in my blood!

The Good Witch archetype I’d been inspired by as a child became infused with the very essence of my being. No longer hiding and no longer afraid, I started helping others heal with all that I had learned. I began living the kind of life that the little girl casting spells in the grocery store would be proud of.

My friend who passed away continues to guide me from the other side, offering wisdom and encouragement as I forge my way forward. He’s taught me that living a magical life isn’t just about casting spells or making potions, it’s really about the energy we cultivate within ourselves and the love we share with the world. It’s about our profound connection with nature, living authentically, being in alignment and embodying our deepest truths.

Being a witch is a part of who I’ve always been, and I embrace it more with each passing day. As I continue to walk this path, I honor the little girl who always knew magic was real, the young woman who fought to reclaim her power, and the wise old soul within who is forever learning, growing, and evolving

My journey is far from over. But with each passing day, I am more in tune with the magic that flows through me, more connected to the Earth, and more dedicated to living a life of love, healing, and truth.

The magic was always there; it just took a little time, a lot of courage, and a gentle nudge from the universe for me to fully embrace it.


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